Definitely this substack will grow, it has content not found in any other place.

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Bingo. He wants to change the GOP in a post Trump era. Brand everyone a NeoCon, even those who are Jacksonians, so you can expand the definition of a RINO. The next step would be to ostracize the “Zionists” but not say Jews because people like Noam Chomsky on the left or even a Paul Gottfried on the right are welcome in the tent.

He’ll then ask questions like “why aren’t we aligned with Iran or other Arab nations? We used to be. They aren’t woke and their women aren’t begging for drugs in the streets.”

His new movement includes gays like Glenn Greenwald, Trad Catholics like Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul libertarians and Presbyterians such as himself. 😂 it’s a coalition that’ll last as long as Mike Bloombergs presidential campaign.

I think Vance, assuming he and Trump win, will have to decid which path the GOP will take. If it’s the Tucker path I think the GOP is a dead party.

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Let me guess The US, founded by Presbyterians, is a Christian Nation? What are you talking about?

I noticed you ignored Hungary and Poland but I’ll let that slide.

Christianity is a tenant Western Civilization not a sole factor just as individualism (Protestant Philosophy) is a tenant. Protestants did not exist as western civilization was forming yet they contributed the what we know as The West today. Christianity did not exist without the Hebrew Bible. The commandments pre-date Christianity. This is basic stuff man.

To say one is part of a Western Civilization solely based on Christianity is absolute nonsense. Eastern Civilization is not categorized as The West even though many modern nations such as Lebanon and Syrian were Christian majorities.

Imagine claiming that Greco-Roman world is not the West because they weren’t Christians. You’d be laughed out the room.

Israel as it is today exists because of The West. Laws, Parliamentary system can be attributed to the European WESTERN (largely Protestant) influence.

You went down the rabbit hole with Talmud for some reason but I get people are distracted by irrelevant information and are Talmudic scholars all of a sudden. It’s the new trend.

USS Liberty - Error made. Compensation paid. Unless you know of evidence that shows intent I can’t really take you seriously. Why does incompetence always = conspiracy with you people? 😅

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No one outside of loser neocons gives a shit about Iran either way. Sunnis are the ones who commit terror attacks.

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What world do you live in? Hizbollah is Shiite. The majority of terror orgs would be Sunni as they account for 90% of the Muslim population. Shiite just fund them. You don’t have to be a Neocon to understand that

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What terrorist attack in the west was done by Hezbollah?

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Depends on what you define as The West.

Attacks is Spain, Israel and Argentina. I’m not even including Turkey and Bulgaria.

Remember your comment was :

“Sunnis are the ones who commit terror attacks.”

You might want to revise that

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Are you talking about the Madrid bombing? Because that was Al Qaeda.

Israel is not part of the West.

Although the full story of Argentina seems to be unclear, I'll give you that 1. So you have 1, in 1994. In Argentina. Why should I care more about that than the dozens of Sunni attacks that have killed far more?

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You should care about both. You should also care about the drugs they are funding and pumping into your country. But maybe because it’s not China or a good Tucker Carlson monologue, it doesn’t matter?

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Is it possible Carlson simply sees controversial guests and topics as a way to grow his new platform?

Controversy and insane takes get way more traffic than most other content.

His interview with Martyr Made dominated social media for a week and is still being talked about. I'm guessing between clips, mentions, posts, podcasts and the original interview he received billions of views/impressions/mentions.

Candace Owen's post about dinosaurs being fake or a candidate running in a weighted vest calling things gay get millions of impressions with very little effort.

If Tucker puts his massive reach and resources behind similar content he'll be the most viewed and potentially influential man in America.

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Darryl Cooper is dsr from controversial.....

He worked for the DoD. Worked in Israel with the Israeli military.

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Excellent, Jake. I was thinking a lot recently that the anti-Covid, "pro peace" anti-Ukraine, anti-Censorship Dissident scene had come full circle with demeaning the history of WWII to just another of these many "narratives" we have been fed. Pro-Hitler as the new "anti-elite" position if you can believe it. Anyway, the way I see it now this is going to be a lonely fight, if only the former "dissidents" fail to see how political pragmatism is ordered around US interests inclining towards Iran, not Israel, as you also pointed out in your other excellent piece for Unherd. This is going to be so much more difficult to untangle than the censorship state. Anyway, I have subscribed now.

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The idea that the majority of Americans support Israel because they are informed on the issue and are just making a prudent judgement is delusional or dishonest. The majority of Americans don't know about the USS Liberty, the hot mic incident where Netanyahu gloated about how dumb and easily moved Americans are, or the vast writings of the neocons in the 90's who talked about how great it would be for Israel if America got more involved in Middle East.

And Jacob is just scared that a re-appraisal of WW2 would shatter the already vulnerable myth of the "rules based post war order." Which the US violates whenever it feels like without consequence (remember when the US got banned from the 2004 Olympics for the Iraq invasion just like Russia did in 2024 for the invasion of Ukraine?).

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Really good column.

The most charitable take on Tucker’s recurring dalliances with crackpots and conspiracists is that he recognizes the current establishment dispensation has drifted quite far from The Gods of the Copybook Headings and intends to illustrate that for his audience by a kind of ‘King Lear’s fool’ approach. The risk of course is that you spend too much time talking about UFOs etc. and everyone whose attention is worth anything tunes out forever.

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